News review of the year 2023

Part one January to June 2023

As we look forward to 2024 with renewed hope and optimism after what has undoubtedly been a particularly challenging last few years, we take our customary look at the year just past in review and look at some of the people and stories that have made the headlines from January through to June.


JANUARY: Mountain rescue volunteer, Alistair Hume was awarded an MBE in recognition of his work over 47 years with Arran Mountain Rescue Team. 01_B01honour01

JANUARY: In the first of four church closures on Arran in 2023, the much-loved Tin Church in Pirnmill welcomed its final congregation before it closed its doors to worshippers for the last time. 01_B05TinChurchcover01

FEBRUARY: A mass demonstration helped secure the future of the Arran Outdoor Education Centre which was under threat of closure owing to council budget cuts. 01_B07demo17

FEBRUARY: Brodick Primary School pupils said a sad goodbye to well-liked dinner lady, Jean Dillon after more than five years at the school. NO_B06dinnerfront01

MARCH: Arran Mountain Rescue Team members with Jess Duncan of St John Scotland who presented them with a public access defibrillator donated by fundraisers from Ayrshire. 01_B10StJAmrt02

MARCH: All of the prize winners from the Isle of Arran One-Act Drama Festival. 01_B11drama01

MARCH: The new batch of community first responders with Scottish Ambulance Service Community Resilience Department members and north Arran first responder coordinator, Fiona Laing. No_B12CFR01

APRIL: Operations manager Sally Gandon with a line-up of junior Easter bonnet entrants at the Easter event at Brodick Castle. 01_B15castle06

APRIL: Members and guests of Lamlash SWI gather to celebrate the 100th birthday of the institute which was the second formed on the island in 1923. 01_B16swifront01_23_lamlash

APRIL: The Walk of Witness makes its away along Brodick shorefront on Good Friday. 01_B15walk01

MAY: Michael Gettins of Arran Repair Cafe was chosen as a Coronation Champion as part of coronation celebrations. 01_B18michael01_23_coronation_volunteer

MAY: Teachers Stephen Wallace, Emma Brown and Mara Gosman join Hamish Kendall, Alfie Gilmore, Ruby Winship and Chloe Willis who secured a £3,000 donation for Arran Music School at the Youth Philanthropy Initiative. 01_B21AHSYPI06_23_Gosman_Brown_Wallace

JUNE: Hundreds of people joined marchers who added a touch of colour to the Brodick shorefront at this year’s Arran Pride event. 01_B23frontpic01_23_parade_main_road

JUNE: Adventurer and TV star Ben Fogle visited Arran to film a new series of Scotland’s Sacred Islands. 01_B24ben01_23_sacred_islands

JUNE: Past and current Arran Library staff join Susanna Talbot, front right, to say farewell after 25 years with the library. 01_B25ALibrary01_23_library_staff_goodbye_Susanna