Oh baby, it’s Christmas! Festive fun for all ages across Kintyre

In the days and weeks leading up to December 25, people of all ages have been getting into the festive spirit by serving Christmas meals and holding parties and other seasonal celebrations.

Baby Ollie Mclachlan, who was born December 12, enjoying his first Christmas party at Campbeltown Bowling Club, with mum Courtney Lang and dad Gavin Mclachlan.

Campbeltown Old Pals Group kicked off the festive fun at a lunch in Campbeltown Bowling Club on Tuesday December 12.

Members of Campbeltown’s Old Pals Group celebrated at their Christmas lunch.

“We had a great turnout and a wonderful meal from Argyll Bakeries,” said a group spokesperson. “Thanks to Kerry Carey and her team for looking after us so well.

“We would also like to thank Gus Brodie for opening the bar to serve Christmas drinks, Iain Johnston and Alex McKinven for helping to organise the day and Campbeltown Community Windfarm Fund and Age Scotland for their grants towards our meetings and activities.”

The group is now taking a break before returning on Tuesday January 9.

“We have lots of activities and talks planned for 2024, so please come along and join us if you are retired or have an interest in the history of Campbeltown and the surrounding area,” added the spokesperson.

Campbeltown Hospital’s Maternity Unit continued the merriment on Friday December 15 when the parents/carers of all babies in the Kintyre catchment area born this year were invited to a party at Argyll Bowling Club.

The parents and carers of all babies born in the area in 2023 were invited to a party hosted by Campbeltown Hospital’s midwives.

Among the little ones was Mohammed Syed, who was the youngest baby present, having been born on December 3.

The newborn’s parents moved to the area just a few months ago, with dad Rehan being the new team lead in the hospital’s physiotherapy department.

This photograph shows all of Campbeltown’s midwives, holding some of this year’s newborns. Back row, from left: Ava McLatchie with Maya Brown, aged eight months; Charlotte Morbey with Bruno Megson, aged four months; Isabel Cook with her grandson Jack Girvan, aged 11 months; Gina Galbraith with Lewis Nicholson, aged almost two months, and Becky Brown with Liam Mathieson, aged eight months. Front: Christine Campbell with Ruaridh McCormick, aged eight months, and Helen Fairbairn with the youngest baby at the party, Mohammed Syed, born on December 3.

The town’s other bowling club was the venue for another Christmas party the following day, when Campbeltown Bowling Club invited youngsters to enjoy festive fun and games last Saturday.

Campbeltown Bowling Club invited children from the area to its Christmas party.

Santa made an appearance, bringing a gift for each child with him.

Ava MacBrayne was excited to receive a gift from Santa at Campbeltown Bowling Club’s Christmas party.

He made another visit to Campbeltown on Monday, this time to visit members of the senior citizens’ Monday Social Club who enjoyed a Christmas lunch at the Argyll Arms Hotel.

Members of the Monday Social Club and their guests enjoyed a festive lunch earlier this week.

Members and invited guests also enjoyed musical performances by Anne Leith, with whom they shared many anecdotes about the good old days of Campbeltown’s social scene.

The Monday Social Club enjoyed some music by Anne Leith.