Kath’s recycling project lives on

A group of friends of the late Kath Johnston have come together to continue her project of recycling used Christmas cards into Christmas gift tags.

The planet-friendly scheme, which Kath started 10 years ago, regularly raised £2,000 annually for local charities.

Kath, from Upper Achintore in Fort William, collected thousands of used cards and
reshaped them into creative gift tags.

When she passed last year, a group of friends voluntarily decided to mark her legacy by finishing that year’s project and have now agreed to meet once a week in each other’s homes to carry on with the scheme.

Kath’s husband Ken said: “I was very proud of Kath’s little scheme. It certainly caught
on with the general public. It would be great if people could donate their used cards by
handing them in at the reception desk at the Alexandra Hotel.”