Carr Gorm offers warmth in the winter

People across Argyll and Bute can request a free Keep Warm Kit from charity Carr Gomm to help with high heating bills and planned power cuts.

Each Keep Warm Kit contains items like a blanket, gloves, socks and a hot water bottle, as well as essentials like a flask and a torch. The kits have been put together for people who are struggling to heat their home or to be used in case of planned power cuts over the winter months.

The Keep Warm Campaign featured on STV News last year after it received over 200 requests when it launched, and was described as a ‘lifeline’ by recipients.

Carr Gomm is running the campaign again this winter with Carr Gomm staff delivering the kits directly to people’s homes across Argyll and Bute.

Denise Murdoch, senior operations manager for Carr Gomm’s Argyll and Bute services, said: “We want to keep people comfortable throughout the winter months and so we greatly appreciate people’s support for this campaign.  We can’t heat people’s homes, but we can keep the person warm.”

Anyone who would like to request a kit for themselves or for another, can get in touch with Carr Gomm at or through phoning 07789 396591.

To help the Keep Warm Kits reach more people, donations can be made to the appeal website:

Carr Gomm is a leading Scottish social care and community development charity, providing support for people to live their best life.

A core part is fundraising to tackle isolation and loneliness in communities through projects and activities across Scotland.

Carr Gomm has services based in Lochgilphead, Helensburgh, Dunoon, Rothesay, Campbeltown and Oban.

They provide a range of support across the region including a responder and a care at home service as well as a housing support service.


Carr Gorm is handing out keep Warm kits again this winter. Photograph: Carr Gorm