High school teams sponsored by Lochgilphead firm

Lochgilphead High School football teams are sporting news strips thanks to sponsors MacLeod Construction Ltd.

The Senior girls are pictured sporting their new strip, which they should have played in  on Monday December 18 in round one of the National Cup but unfortunately the match had to be postponed until the new year after A83 was closed the morning of the match, preventing the other team from attending.

The Junior girls’ team, however, have already powered their way through to the SPAR National Cup final having won the local and regional heats in October.

Andrew Rossiter, principal teacher PE, health and well-being and Art, said: “The sponsorship has provided us with much-needed new kits for our Junior and Senior Girls’ and Boys’ football and Shinty teams.

“Our biggest problem now is getting transport to games and we have various events going on throughout the year to raise funds to cover transport costs.

“Girls football has been popular for a while in the school although we always seem to be short of a goalkeeper!” he added.

Peter Laing of Lochgilphead has sponsored all of the school’s match balls this year.

The photograph also shows MacLeod’s representative John McKellar, left, head teacher of Lochgilphead Joint Campus Jay Helbert.