Family events to encourage registration

To help Argyll families get ready for Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) registration week, January 24-28 2024, MAKI Pups Outdoor Nursery in Lochgilphead has been hosting regular family events, which are regularly booked out.

The nursery has also compiled a handy guide to help parents as they decide which nursery to register with for their ELC hours.

MAKI Pups has hosted numerous family fun events, including a woodland Bookbug, Mini Pups outdoor playgroup and an open hour, this autumn and there’s more to come this winter.

Picking brambles in the autumn. Photograph: MAKI Pups Outdoor Nursery

“These events have been a huge hit with local families and often book out quickly. We advise families to book early to avoid disappointment,” said a spokesperson for the nursery.

Mini Pups Outdoor Playgroup returns on 17th January 17 and is for families with babies and children up to three years.

There will be a MAKI Pups open morning on Saturday January 13 for families who are interested in registering their child for either an immediate start or to go along for a look around and to ask the team their questions about ELC registration week.

“Former families are more then welcome to pop by to say hello too!” said the spokesperson.

For families who can’t make the open morning MAKI Pups  will be holding an open hour, 1pm- pm on January 17 2024.

“Staff will be on-site to show you around and allow you to ask the team any questions about ELC registration week,” said the spokesperson.

A Woodland Wander and Bookbug takes place on January 31.

Woodland wandering at MAKI Pups nursery.
Photograph: MAKI Pups Outdoor Nursery

“Our Bookbug and wander events are for families with babies and children up to age five.”

An outdoor nursery is the first choice for many families, as they understand the positive impact that being outdoors in nature has on their child’s physical and mental wellbeing.

Not only is the woodland setting at MAKI Pups a great place for adventures and playtime, it is also a rich classroom filled with new things to discover. Science, art, numeracy and literacy can all be embraced in nature.

Dates and booking links for all of these events will be published on the MAKI Pups Facebook page.