Letters – December 29 2023

Broken bottles are a hazard

I did some tidying up yesterday of bottles and plastic near to where I stay yesterday in the town.

It seems to be a constant theme of rubbish being discarded, despite bins nearby – the area near to the Tesco shop being a classic example.

This morning, two broken beer bottles had been thrown all over a path and some grass nearby, creating a hazard for people and their pets.

I’ve mentioned this before – can people think about what they’re doing with their glass bottles when they’re finished with them? Either take it home or recycle them at one of the Recycling bins in town.

Smashing up a bottle and leaving it all over a path or in grass is dangerous for young children and pets too.

Peter Laing, Lochgilphead

Lochgilphead litter collection.
WithYou to help ease the festive pressure

Many people put themselves under too much pressure at this time of year – and it can be dangerous.

Whether it’s worrying about money, being tempted to use substances at a party, or turning to alcohol to cope with everything that’s going on, we know that many people can find themselves in harmful situations over the festive season.

The pressure to join in and have ‘the perfect Christmas’ can create new challenges, or exacerbate existing challenges, around drugs, alcohol and mental health.

As well as supporting people through local services across Scotland, WithYou runs a Webchat service which offers free, confidential advice on issues relating to drugs, alcohol and mental health.

The WithYou Webchat is staffed by a specialised team of 36 advisors, staff from across the charity who are trained to offer brief interventions, advice, signposting and emotional support.

The team can also help individuals to develop specific plans for how they will cope at parties and other social events, where temptation might be an issue.

If you do need someone to speak to, please get in touch through our free Webchat service.

The Webchat, which is funded by the Scottish Government, is available 364 days a year, closing only on Christmas Day. It is open on weekends and until 9pm during the week – meaning it can be accessed when many other support services are closed.

Please visit wearewithyou.org.uk to access the Webchat, or find out more about the support offered by WithYou in Argyll and Bute. Support is also available over Christmas from a free helpline, 0800 587 5879.

Yvonne McLeod, service manager in Argyll and Bute

Thank you to pet owners

I wanted to send a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has supported Dogs Trust during what has been another challenging year for pet owners across the UK.

We have received more than 40,000 enquiries this year from people who sadly felt they had no other option but to hand their dog into our care.

As a dog owner myself, I understand only too well what a heartbreaking decision it can be to have to give up your dog, which is why we have tried to support as many dog owners as possible through initiatives including our pet food banks and free-to-access Behaviour Support Line.

Despite the many challenges we’re still facing, it heartens me to say that we also continue to witness the best in human nature from our dog loving nation.

This year we have found homes for over 10,000 dogs of all breeds and ages, including almost 400 puppies born in Dogs Trust’s care.  To everyone who has welcomed a new four-legged friend into their family by adopting from Dogs Trust, thank you.

Earlier this year we issued a plea for more volunteer fosterer carers to come forward to offer temporary homes to some of the dogs in our care.

Kind-hearted members of the public responded in their thousands, and we are now able to offer many more dogs somewhere safe and secure to stay while they wait their forever home.

Other volunteers continue to support our work by taking on incredible fundraising challenges and by regularly giving up their time to support the staff at our rehoming centres.

It simply would not be possible to achieve all that we do for the dogs in our care without this support – so thank you.

As we approach a new year, our dedicated staff and volunteers remain committed to making tomorrow’s world a better place for all dogs so they can live full, safe and happy lives.

On behalf of everyone at Dogs Trust, I’d like to wish all our supporters a very Happy New Year, one in which we look forward to helping many more dogs find their forever homes.

For further information about our work and our dogs, please go to www.dogstrust.org.uk

Owen Sharp, CEO, Dogs Trust