Community party hailed a successful event

The first Community Christmas Party took place at the Alexandra Hotel in Fort William on Friday December 15.

Organised by the Fort William Accommodation Marketing Group (FWAMG) and Lochaber Yacht Club (LYC), the event saw 60 volunteers from around the community attend a three-course dinner with live entertainment from an Elton John and Billy Joel tribute act.

Hotel staff gave the private dining room a festive feel with beautifully decorated trees and decorations. The food and service were lovely too.

During the evening, the group was visited by a special guest in a red suit who helped with the raffle and auction taking place to raise funds for West Highland Museum (WHM).

Lochaber businesses were amazing, offering generous donations of prizes and the groups thank all of them for helping them raise more than £1,300.

“This will go a long way to helping the museum renovate its new volunteer hub at Monzie Square,” said a WHM spokesperson.

With support from organisations around Fort William, which all said they would like to attend again, there could be more planned for the future.

Get in touch with FWAMG or LYC via their websites if you would like to get involved.

Photograph: West Highland Museum staff enjoy the festivities. From left: Vanessa Martin, Sonja McLachlan, Chris Robinson, Colleen Barker and Karen Dean. NO_F01_FortWilliamCommunityChristmasParty_WestHighlandMuseumStaff