Category: fort william
The Islay Rum Company wins Best Start Up at prestigious awards
The Highlands & Islands Food & Drink Awards showcase and celebrate excellence and achievements in the food and drink industry across the region from world-renowned businesses to small innovative producers.
Pierhouse Hotel crowned Scotland’s Restaurant of the Year
Now in its 20th year, the Hotels of the Year Scotland Awards honour the outstanding success, achievement and distinction across Scotland’s hotel and hospitality industry.
Allan Campbell – 2.11.23
Chì mi an Cuilitheann mar leòmhann gun tioma, Le fheusaig den t-sneachd’ air a phasgadh ma cheann; ‘S a ghruaidhean a’ srùladh le easanan smùideach, Tha tuiteam nan lùban gu ùrlar nan gleann. ’S tric a bhios na briathran iongantach seo aig Niall MacLeòid a tighinn nam inntinn nuair a chì mi buaidh droch aimsir…
Swimmer makes a splash to Stand Up To Cancer
A determined cancer fundraiser and open water swimmer jumped into Loch Linnhe on her birthday to raise funds for Stand up To Cancer.
Oban Times shortlisted for UK award after success of Invest in the West campaign
Our campaign for change is shortlisted for prestigious UK-wide industry honour – but we need readers’ help to win.
Aisling wins silver at music school’s first Mod performance
Magic often happens at the Mòd, and the ‘clàrsach intermediate 2 for grades 3-4’ was one of those moments
Allan Campbell – 26.10.23
Mòran taing dha Pàislig agus dha gach neach a chuir fàilte cho blàth oirnn uile aig Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail 2023, gun teagamh rinn am baile agus Comhairle Roinn Friù deasachadh agus dìcheall airson cuirm air am bi deagh chuimhne! Ged a tha goireasan lìbhrigidh a’ Mhòid air leth cudromach a thaobh ìre na tlachd a…
Gardening: Time for trees
Although most jobs in the garden are winter maintenance at the moment, November is a great month for planting trees and shrubs.